We’ve had such an incredible response from our supporters and members, from the donations made, to the thousands of doors knocked, it all has made a difference. It has been truly inspiring seeing how everyone has pulled together and organised. This has been our most successful local elections yet and we couldn’t have done it without you.
In the coming weeks we will turn our attention to our long-term goals, and there has never been a better time to join the Green Party.
As a member of the Green Party, you will be able to vote on internal elections, attend policy groups to shape our future policies and be part of a growing community of over 52,000.
Become a member today
If membership is not for you, why not support us to reach our longer-term goals by becoming a Friend of the Green Party. You can still work with us, putting people and planet first.
Well done to everyone, and we hope all our candidates, volunteers and everyone involved in this election gets a chance to rest and recuperate from all the hard work in the coming days.
In hope,
Chris Williams
Head of Elections and Field Operations
p.s. This coming Tuesday, we will take a deep dive at our election analysis event. Register to attend the event here.