
Here on the ground in Arizona, the Biden Border Crisis shows no end in sight…

We’ve known for a while now that Joe Biden and the Democrats have completely abandoned our state’s safety and sovereignty. Now, with the Biden-Harris administration pushing for an END to Remain in Mexico (aka Title 42) when 600,000 migrants have ALREADY crossed the border since Biden took office - it’s clear…

As long as this Biden Regime and his puppets like Mark Kelly are in charge, there will be no end to the invasion of our home.

It’s no wonder why a recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that 51% of voters believe that Biden is encouraging illegal immigration. Not allowing - ENCOURAGING! With fentanyl deaths at an all-time high (100,000 in 2021) and a historical crime spike on our hands, we encourage BIDEN to consider our safety! 

Thank you for your help. 

We continue to hear from border officers that this Democrat-created crisis is only going to hit the Grand Canyon State harder and harder, so any urgent support you can give means a lot today.

For Arizona,

Jeremiah Cota
Political Director
Republican Party of Arizona