Surviving Thanksgiving with Family
Dear John, 
Please take a look at this BPC Thanksgiving Survival Guide.  We hope you support the premise and presentation and will share the guide with family, friends, colleagues and constituents.
Earlier this week, BPC and Good Stuff Eatery teamed up to host a pre-Thanksgiving Dinner with two dozen members of Washington’s ideologically diverse political family. The evening reinforced our faith that our common values and commitments are strong enough to withstand our divisions.  


We think families SHOULD talk about politics this Thanksgiving. For many in our divided nation, Thanksgiving is the one time each year to share a meal with families and friends from different generations, different parts of the country, and with different political views. While it is easy to complain about the partisanship in Washington, we believe civility is a national obligation. If we can’t discuss the issues we care about with the people we care about, it is hard to expect our elected officials to do much better.


At BPC, we understand the risk and exhilaration of engaging tough, often emotional, issues and developing meaningful agreements. We also know that conversation often flourishes when we find moments to take ourselves less seriously than the issues we work on.   


Here are some scenes from the evening’s festivities: 


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Wishing you, your families and our democracy all the best this holiday season!

Bipartisan Policy Center
1225 Eye Street NW - Suite 1000 - Washington, D.C. xxxxxx - (202) 204-2400

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