
Many of us are still reeling from this week's news that the Supreme Court is poised to strike down Roe v. Wade. From the day this ruling was decided, far-right politicians have worked endlessly to reverse it.

They attacked choice in state legislatures through restrictive laws. They tried to gut federal funding to organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide vital, legally protected reproductive care. Now, the Supreme Court is set to strip away women's enshrined constitutional right to bodily autonomy.

This is not the time to waver, and we certainly can’t wait until after the 2022 midterm to act. We need action now. The Congress, Senate, and White House that you helped install need to step up and protect the right to safe and legal abortions.

Two Republican Senators -- Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski -- claim to support abortion rights, but have voted for multiple right-wing Justices. They helped Mitch McConnell steal a Supreme Court seat, and it was Collins who was the deciding vote to install Brett Kavanaugh.

Sign this nationwide petition urging these Republican Senators to correct their past mistakes and join with Democrats to eliminate the filibuster and enshrine Roe v. Wade into law.
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I urge my colleagues in the Senate to consider the extreme consequences of overturning Roe v. Wade -- because it would be a disaster for the livelihood of American women.

Banning legal and medically-assisted abortions won't miraculously end the need for them. This will only send women to pursue options outside of proper clinics and with bad actors who could literally kill them.

Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and yes, even some anti-choice Democratic Senators understand these consequences well. They must do what they know to be right by ending the filibuster and codifying Roe v. Wade.

Sign the emergency petition today >>

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