Saturday is election day
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Saturday, May 7, is your last chance to vote in the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election!  Polls are open from 7am-7pm. 

All local election ballots will include two statewide propositions for Constitutional Amendments.  We recommend yes to both.  They both will reduce property tax.

Recommendations by location are linked below.  If the links don't work on your browser for some crazy, technological reason that I will never understand, just go to

NOTE:  It is especially true in local races that MOST of the time we are voting on the lesser of 2 evils.  This is why we repeat over and over that these are NOT endorsements.  It is very rare for us to endorse, and we will state that we have endorsed where applicable. Until good people step up to run, sadly this is what we are generally forced to do.

It is also important to note that this list is just provided as a starting point for your own research.  If you do not agree with these choices, no worries. You don’t need to harass us and demand we take it down.  There are so many cities and school boards across this great state, that there is no way we can personally vet every candidate.  Many times we just try to find a trusted activist in the area to indicate how to vote.  There is much work to be done on teaching people how to vet candidates.

Click on the satellite location for a list of candidate recommendations we were able to obtain in your area.


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