From Sue Anne, <>
Subject Mother’s Day weekend actions for you
Date May 6, 2022 8:55 PM
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[ [link removed] ]MomsRising presents: 5Actions
Top #5Actions
of the Past Week
Friday, May 6, 2022

It’s Mother’s Day weekend, and we are looking forward to celebrating (and
activating!) with all the moms in our lives on Sunday. We also have
several ways for you to join us online and share your story with our team.

Tomorrow is our MOMibuster - an online, day-long filibuster to demand care
infrastructure that works for families. Why? Because #CareCantWait any
longer! Many of you submitted short videos that will be included in the
day’s events – and we are so thankful for all you’re doing to build a
powerful movement together.

The action doesn’t stop there: We also need your help making sure that
Congress knows how important reproductive choice is to you and to our

As we go into Mother’s Day weekend, we hope you’re able to enjoy time with
your families as you also continue fighting for change together. Thank

-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Monifa, Diarra, Nate, Gloria, Joy, Nadia, Tina, and
the rest of the MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team

[ [link removed] ]SCOTUSOverturningRoe

DONATE towards our Reproductive Justice movement!

Your Action Status: NOT YET DONATED -> [ [link removed] ]Donate Now

Most women who have abortions are already moms. All over the country,
organizations and activists are working hard to protect our reproductive
rights. Right now, thousands of us are mobilizing in dozens of cities
across the country and we are in for a long fight. Our elected officials
and appointed judges need to understand that abortion is essential health
care and respect people’s dignity, autonomy and rights. We need support
through donations for the next phases of our fight. Are you ready?

[ [link removed] ]The truth is, we all love someone who has had an abortion. We must
protect our human right to abortion care. Donate towards reproductive
justice and tell us your story!

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

Record a video about why access to abortion care is important. (Less than 60

Say it with us: #BansOffOurBodies! Every single person should be able to
make their own decisions about their health and their bodies — including
whether to get an abortion, in consultation with their loved ones and
health care providers. We implore you to join our movement. We want you to
be a part of the action in every single way possible! Make your unique
voice be heard: Share your story and we'll use it to pressure federal and
state elected leaders to act now on reproductive rights! This is about
obtaining and maintaining medical freedom and the right to make our own

[ [link removed] ]Say it loud! Make your voice be heard: Share your reproductive story!

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

RSVP: For Mother’s Day Weekend, tune into the MOMibuster and know you are not

We’re turning the tables on Congress and filibustering them with the
first-ever MOMibuster, starting at noon ET/ 9am PT on Saturday, May 7 (You
can go to our MomsRising Facebook page and watch anytime over the whole
weekend and beyond). This authentic, honest, and powerful multi-hour
online event holds space on Facebook and other social media all through
the day, with hundreds of moms, caregivers and care providers sharing
their care experiences and calling on elected leaders to build a care
infrastructure. Join to support the storytellers and hear stories about
childcare and eldercare, about how important the monthly Child Tax Credits
have been for helping to make ends meet, about how the impact of not
having paid family and medical leave has been especially hard, and so much

*By tuning in for a few minutes, a few hours, or for all of it (!!!), over
Mother’s Day weekend, you’ll know that you’re not alone. ❤️ Feel free to
leave a comment, and even share your story in the comments, when you stop
by the MOMibuster.

[ [link removed] ]Sign up to join the MOMibuster to support the storytellers and know you
are not alone!

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

A Day Without Child Care

On Monday, May 9th, Childcare Changemakers and Community Change are
hosting A Day Without Child Care: A National Day of Action to mobilize
child care providers, parents (like yourself!) and families to fight for
equitable access to affordable child care and better pay and working
conditions for providers.

[ [link removed] ]Find an event near you by going HERE!

[ [link removed] ]MMH22

Urge Congress to support critical funding for maternal mental health!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED ->
[ [link removed] ]Sign Now

Right now up to 1 in 5 women suffer from maternal mental health disorders
like depression or anxiety in the U.S. and research shows that this number
has more than doubled during the pandemic. Perinatal and postpartum
disorders during pregnancy and after birth are the most common
complications of childbearing, but stigma, fear, and lack of information
means we don’t talk about it as much as we should. Even though there are
effective treatments, yet 1 in 5 women report NOT being screened for
maternal depression despite universal screening being recommended. We can
and we must do better for mothers and babies. Right now, several pieces of
legislation are pending before Congress that will ensure that mothers get
the mental health support they need.

[ [link removed] ]Add your name to our letter calling on Congress to support critical
funding for maternal mental health!

P.S.– [ [link removed] ]Today is child care provider appreciation today! Check out
#ThankYouChildCare and spread the love for folks who care for our kiddos!
P.P.S. – This content is also on the [ [link removed] ]MomsRising blog!

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