Cease Fire PA Action



A major report was just released that paints a clear picture of the origins of gun violence in our communities. This jaw-dropping evidence, compiled and analyzed by researchers and advocates at Brady, identified six gun shops that were responsible for 57% of crime guns in the dataset.

It is sobering to realize that all the funerals we’ve been attending, all the gruesome headlines, all the families forever broken, exist in this way so that a handful of people can make more profits.

Tell your lawmaker in Harrisburg: “Hold the gun stores fueling crime accountable.”

There is so much we need to do, including allowing the ATF to publicly release this data nationally. In the meantime, we know that a handful of gun sellers here in Pennsylvania are supplying many of the firearms used in crimes. And we know that some have multiple violations of gun safety laws like conducting a background check. 

When a restaurant fails to meet public health standards, and customers get food poisoning, their business is shuttered. When a factory makes children’s toys that endanger little ones, recalls are announced. Why are our lawmakers hesitant to hold accountable the worst actors in the sale of lethal weapons? The standards should be even higher than these other industries.

Thank you for your continued advocacy.

Adam Garber




P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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