Friends —

I wanted to reach out today with some exciting news and a major milestone for our people-powered campaign.

We just launched our FIRST television ad!

The ad describes how the COVID-19 pandemic was personal to me after losing both of my parents. I’ve worked tirelessly to save other families from experiencing that same pain.

Our goal is to keep this ad running as long as we can, especially while our opponents are running their own ads.

In order to help us launch this ad and keep it running, we are setting a 500 donation goal with a deadline of midnight tonight. So I have to ask:

If you are able, will you donate any amount to help us keep our new ad on the air? Ads like this are expensive to keep running and every dollar you donate will help us spread our message.


Thank you in advance for chipping in today. Any amount you can afford to give would really help.


Paid for by Robert Garcia for Congress

Robert Garcia for Congress
65 Pine Ave
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States

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