
Earlier this week we were all sent reeling when we learned just how close we are to Republicans’ decades-long scheme to overturn Roe v Wade becoming reality. Let’s be blunt, an attack on abortion rights is an attack on people’s health care and human rights. Full stop. 

Read mine and Vice-Chair Peg Schaffer’s initial joint statement here  

The only way we can make sure that Republicans don’t continue to try and strip fundamental human rights away from us is by getting Democratic leaders into office that are unafraid to fight and do the necessary work. 

Sign up here to volunteer with a pro-choice frontline Democratic Congressional campaign now. 

Back in January, Governor Murphy and our Democratic legislature passed the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, which codified into state law a person’s right to make reproductive healthcare decisions for themselves. This historic move ensured that despite decisions like we see coming out of the Supreme Court, New Jersey women would have their human and health rights protected.  

This is not the current case for women across the country, however, and we are already seeing what disastrous effects could play out if Republicans get their way. Without Roe, there are already 27 states that are likely to ban abortion immediately, which is why Gov. Murphy signed a letter with 16 other governors on Wednesday urging Congress to urgently pass the Women’s Health Protection Act so that the protections included in Roe v. Wade become codified into national law. 

As Gov. Murphy said earlier this week, “We must ensure that every American woman has the reproductive freedom that every New Jersey woman has.”  

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week and Senator Booker commemorated the occasion by reintroducing legislation, alongside U.S. Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA), Jahana Hayes (D-CT), John Larson (D-CT), and Mark Takano (D-CA), aimed at closing the pay gap between our teachers and other professionals that have similar education levels.  

The bill is called the Respect, Advancement, and Increasing Support for Educators (RAISE) Act and would assist in boosting the pay of early childhood, elementary, and secondary school educators via refundable tax credits up to $15,000.  

“Educators are constantly asked to do more and more without any significant increase in their compensation, and often at their own expense,” said Senator Booker in his statement that you can read here. “The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these hardships, leading many teachers to leave the profession. This legislation would help support educators by using the federal tax code to put more resources back in teachers’ pockets. It’s time to reward our society’s unsung heroes by increasing teachers’ take-home pay.”  

In the face of this nationwide attack on reproductive healthcare, President Biden and VP Harris both urgently discussed the precedent this could set for Americans’ privacy rights. In her statement, Vice President Harris said, “ If the right to privacy is weakened, every person could face a future in which the government can potentially interfere in the personal decisions you make about your life.” Her point helps us focus on what this could mean - outside the radical Republican war on healthcare - for our other protected rights. 

“This is the time to fight for women and for our country with everything we have,” VP Harris continued; once again emphasizing how critical it is that we work together to get more Democrats in office this election season. 

President Biden echoed the call for us to do our part, saying “it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November”. He’s right. It is up to all of us to make sure each level of our democracy is stacked with pro-choice, pro-healthcare, pro-women canidates who won’t falter to do what’s right in moments like these.  

Read Joe Biden’s full statement here 


— Chairman LeRoy J. Jones, Jr.  

P.S. - May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and New Jersey is honored to have one of the country’s fastest-growing AAPI communities. This reminds us that our efforts to create a more diverse and equitable New Jersey are working and we must continue.  

To honor AAPI Heritage Month our AANHPI, SAAC and Muslim Caucuses will be hosting an event later this month - more info to come soon! 


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

