Dear Friend,
You’re not alone in your struggles to care for your family and loved ones.
Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday, and MomsRising is making a power move on behalf of moms, parents, care workers, and caregivers. We’re organizing the first-ever MOMibuster, raising the voices of hundreds and hundreds of real moms, parents, care workers, and caregivers across the country, who will be sharing their stories – including stories like yours – to demand that Congress advance the care infrastructure policies we need for our families and for the economy to thrive.
We are going BIG this Mother’s Day weekend to demand change – and we need your help to turbo-power our impact. We’re turning the tables on Congress and filibustering them. The multi-hour MOMibuster will feature 2- to 3-minute videos from moms, parents, caregivers, and leaders all over the country, one after the other sharing their situations and the care policies they need, and driving home the message: Care. Can’t. Wait.
By tuning in for a few minutes, a few hours, or for all of it (!!!), you’ll know that you’re not alone. And by tuning in, you’ll also help intensify the spotlight on this very special Facebook event and make it even more powerful, because when others see you join, they will want to join too. The more people who tune in, the greater our reach, and the more powerful the event will be.
During the MOMibuster, you’ll hear real experiences from real moms and caregivers across the country, talking about how hard these last few years of the pandemic have been. You’ll hear stories about childcare and eldercare, about how important the monthly Child Tax Credits have been for helping to make ends meet, about how the impact of not having paid family and medical leave has been especially hard, and so much more. With the MOMibuster, we’re putting a spotlight on the fact that in order to succeed, our families and our economy need: affordable child care, free pre-K, home- and community-based services, full access to quality maternal healthcare for everyone, paid family and medical leave, monthly Child Tax Credit checks, living wages for all care workers, a path to citizenship, and more.
(To have an even more powerful impact, the MOMibuster will also be aired on rolling display billboards around the U.S. Capitol for the Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday of Mother’s Day weekend so no member of Congress can ignore them, and be referenced in a NY Times ad the Friday before Mother’s Day. We’ll also be delivering books of stories to every member of Congress along with a paper flower bouquet on the Tuesday after Mother’s Day and mailing in enamel pins. One thing is clear: Through all our efforts, our stories and voices will be heard– and we are a powerful force together!)
Please bring your own power to the MOMibuster by sharing your own individual story in the comments, and crossposting the MOMibuster to your Facebook and other social media channels.
RSVP for the online MOMibuster now. We need your power! (Plus you’ll hear care stories that let you know that you are not alone, and that inspire you to keep going!)
Please forward this email to all the moms and caregivers in your life and ask them to RSVP for the MOMibuster too.
Together, we will make the MOMibuster powerful, unstoppable, nation-lifting, cost-saving, and transformational!
– Gloria, Kristin, Elyssa, Donna, Xochitl, Ruth, and the entire MomsRising/MamasconPoder team
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