Friday, 06 May 2022

Putin here to stay but critic has
faith in a new Russia

Fierce critic of Putin and a former political opponent, Grigory Yavlinsky talks to Index about fear, lies and violence in today's Russia.

Syria passes draconian cybercrime laws

Country is latest to criminalise vaguely defined fake news to target human rights activists and journalists, writes Index's associate editor Mark Frary.
Photo: Oliver Berg/Alamy

Democracies are losing their moral authority to intervene

When our leaders opt in and out of laws and norms they don’t like then repressive regimes thrive and their citizens are the ones that suffer, says our CEO Ruth Smeeth in her latest weekly blog postPhoto: Justin Tallis/PA Wire/PA Images

Online Safety Bill will "significantly curtail freedom of expression"

Gavin Millar QC has produced the first analysis of the implications of the Bill for the British media and journalism, the courts and the UK’s digital economy. 
Photo: Victoria Heath/Unsplash

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