From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Responds to Terrorist Attacks Across Israel
Date May 6, 2022 3:59 PM
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April 2022


ADL strongly responded to the recent spate terror attacks in Israel, including a
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shooting in central Tel-Aviv that killed three people and wounded several more, and
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condemned images and videos of Palestinians celebrating the attacks in Gaza and elsewhere.

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documented how some anti-Israel voices, used the attacks to justify, support and even glorify terror against Israeli civilians while others described the terror as legitimate &ldquo;resistance&rdquo; and placed the onus on Israel. In a blog, ADL
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further examined the role of the ISIS terrorist group in some of the attacks, explaining how ISIS supporters take their cue from the group&rsquo;s hateful attitudes towards Israel and Jews worldwide.

And in a powerful
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op-ed , Carole Nuriel, ADL&rsquo;s Israel Director, shared her personal perspective on the terror wave and how it brought up painful memories of the environment in Israel during the Second Intifada.

IAC Hosts Special Webinar on Israel&rsquo;s Diplomatic Successes and Challenges

ADL&rsquo;s International Affairs Committee hosted a special pre-National Leadership Summitt webinar on &ldquo;Israel's Split Screen: The Campaign to Criminalize Israel vs. Israel's Growing International Acceptance,&rdquo; which featured Dr. Tal Becker, the Legal Adviser for Israel&rsquo;s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In his remarks, Tal spoke about the dichotomy between international campaign to criminalize Israel - including the anticipated report by the UN Human Rights Council&rsquo;s Commission of Inquiry and the recent Amnesty report falsely labeling Israel as an apartheid state and rejected Israel&rsquo;s legitimacy as a Jewish state &ndash; and Israel's real world diplomatic advances, including the Abraham Accords which have contributed to the unprecedented and groundbreaking warming of relations between Israel and the Arab world.

After his remarks, Sharon Nazarian, SVP for International Affairs, provided a brief overview of some of the top issues on ADL&rsquo;s international affairs agenda, which was followed by breakout rooms featuring ADL&rsquo;s IA staff discussing issues pertaining to their region and area of expertise.



Jonathan Greenblatt
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presented the findings of
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ADL&rsquo;s 2021 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents to Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy. While the
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report focused on incidents across the US, one major finding focused on antisemitic assaults and incidents from pro-Palestinian perpetrators, as demonstrated by a substantial surge during the May 2021 conflict between Israel and Hamas where there was a staggering 148 percent increase in reports of antisemitic incidents that month when compared in May 2020.

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condemned multiple incidents of violence by Palestinians on the Temple Mount / Nobel Sanctuary and Old City of Jerusalem, including against Jewish worshipers on their way to the Western Wall. ADL also
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condemned attempts by Jewish to stoke anti-Arab hatred in the area, including that of far-right Israeli Knesset member Itamar Ben-Gvir. Inflammatory responses to the tensions by several members of Congress was also
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criticized .

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condemned the vandalism of Joseph&rsquo;s Tomb in Nablus by Palestinian rioters.

For the third consecutive year, ADL Israel hosted the &ldquo;
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Zoom In: Holocaust Survivors Tell Their Stories from Home &rdquo; featuring two online sessions on global antisemitism and Holocaust survivors&rsquo; testimonies for high school students.

Middle East

ADL&rsquo;s Task Force on Middle Eastern Minorities issued a
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statement opposing any effort to remove the Iranian regime&rsquo;s IRGC group from the US list of foreign terrorist organizations, and called on the State Department to put the Iranian backed Houthis in Yemen back on the list.

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said it was reprehensible for the Turkish daily newspaper Milli Gazete to glorify the recent terror attacks and called on Twitter to take swift action against content that glorifies terrorism.


In an
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op-ed marking Yom HaShoah &ndash; Holocaust Remembrance Day &ndash; Ken Jacobson, Deputy National Director, wrote about the importance of learning from the catastrophe of the Holocaust without diminishing it with false comparisons.

This month, over 100 young Jewish people in four countries across Europe were trained in ADL&rsquo;s Words to Action curriculum. In Gothenburg (Sweden), the Jewish Youth of Malmo and Bnei Akiva, in Warsaw, the Moishe House, in Paris, the Jewish student center, in Brussels, two school classes of the Jewish school.

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joined its French Jewish communal partner CRIF in calling on French authorities to ensure a full investigation into the circumstances of Jeremy Cohen&rsquo;s death, including the allegations that he was killed fleeing an antisemitic attack.

The anniversary of the antisemitic murder of French Jew Sarah Halimi was
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commemorated .

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praised the UK&rsquo;s Labour party for rejecting a party applicant due to his online antisemitic comments.

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said it was disheartened to see Atleti soccer fans in Madrid, Spain displaying Nazi flags and salutes during a recent match against.

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said it sickened by the brutal images and stories about Russian atrocities against innocent Ukrainians in Bucha, and called on the international community to ensure those responsible, including Russian President Putin, answer for these horrific war crimes.

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welcomed the European Evangelical Alliance&rsquo;s adoption of the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

Latin America

Liat Altman, Director of Latin American Affairs, met with officials from the Mexican Foreign Ministry to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding between ADL and the Mexican government on educating about hate crimes in the US. Liat also consulted Latin American Jewish leaders, including from the Jewish communities of Mexico, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina, Venezuela to discuss current challenges facing their communities, including those stemming from heightened tensions in Israel.

ADL translated several op-eds into Spanish, including:
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ADL Blog on Israel Apartheid Week (YNET Espanol)
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ADL Blog on the glorification of Palestinian terror (YNET Espanol)
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Blog on Left Wing political spewing anti-Israel rhetoric (Enlace Judio)
The 2021 Audit of antisemitic incidents was covered in over 30 Spanish language outlets with ADL experts being interviewed on CNN en Espanol, EFE, Televisa and El Nuevo Herald.

ADL condemned several antisemitic incidents and trends globally, including: a 35% increase in antisemitic attacks and threats in 2021 across
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Australia ; anti-Jewish discrimination by a car shop owner in
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Belgium ; a 7.2% increase in antisemitic incidents in 2021 in
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Canada ; hateful and violent rhetoric at an anti-Israel rally in Toronto,
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Canada ; and antisemitic language used at anti-Israel rallies in
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ADL marked
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Armenian Genocide Day and the anniversary of the start of the 1994 genocide in
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