Watch Earthworks on Frontline PBS

Watch us on PBS Frontline

Dear John,

I always say that if people could actually see what I see through my lens, there would never have been a fracking boom. I’m a 5th generation Texan who worked in the oil and gas industry for 12 years before I knew better. After fracking near my home in Barnett Shale turned my water black and slimy and vanished the stars from my night sky, I found my life’s work: helping others harmed by the oil and gas industry.

It’s always a heavy experience to go into the oil and gas fields to make visible normally invisible oil and gas air pollution. But seeing is believing. I was honored that Frontline on PBS joined me to document the severity of the industry's methane releases that are accelerating the existential climate emergency.

You can find the show link on our website, where you can also take action to protect the climate and communities near oil and gas development or directly support my work and that of other Earthworks field advocates across the country.

My message to whomever rides along during these investigations is simple: oil and gas destroys lives, specifically in already marginalized communities, and any new fossil fuel development will downright ruin any chance we have to avoid climate catastrophe.

So, tune in today and stream Frontline’s The Power of Big Oil: Part 3. Please share widely with your friends and family. 

Sharon Wilson
Senior Field Advocate, Earthworks

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1-202-887-1872 •

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