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Three Steps to Improving Evaluation in the Philanthropic Sector

Redefining what success looks like starts by asking a simple question: Who decides what matters? WomenStrong International suggests three ways to improve your evaluations and create better outcomes for communities, grantee organizations, and funders.

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May 12
Center for Disaster Philanthropy: Using Indigenous knowledge to prevent and respond to disasters

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Virtual Coffee Hour: Discussing breaking down dominant norms in an organization (PEAK Minnesota)

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PEAK Accountability and Action for Allies Caucus Meeting

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Monthly Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest)


Weekly Reads

“Simply put, a disaster occurs when a hazard meets a vulnerability. … It is at this intersection—the point of connection between the event and exposure—that the impact of a disaster occurs, where human, environmental or financial consequences arise.” [more]
Patricia McIlreavy, Center for Disaster Philanthropy

“[D]iversifying boards one-by-one delays reaching the tipping points where board diversity enhances the relationship with EDs/CEOs of color and success of boards in carrying out their governance responsibilities. As the new wave of executive transitions approaches the nonprofit sector, more leaders of color will have to take on board transformation as a critical first step towards success in their roles and making their organizations more equitable.” [more]
Sean Thomas-Breitfeld, Building Movement Project

“Feminist movements are powerhouses for social change, but they are under-resourced, undervalued, and grossly underestimated. New Bridgespan research with Shake the Table shares five recommendations for funders on how to find and fund feminist movements, and calls on philanthropy to invest an additional $6 billion in them by 2026.” [more]
The Bridgespan Group

“The crisis spurred changes in how the [Stupski Foundation] made grants. To avoid repetitive paperwork, nonprofits are now allowed to use applications they’ve made to other foundations. Grantees help design the measurements that will determine their progress. And program staff are less inclined to lay out fully fleshed out strategies and instead rely on nonprofits to take the lead.” [more]
Alex Daniels for The Chronicle of Philanthropy

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