Join the Nakba demonstration - Saturday 14th May 
Saturday 14th May will mark the 74th anniversary of the Nakba - or Catastrophe - when over 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly removed from over 500 villages and cities in historic Palestine, never to return. 

Seven decades on, there is a growing consensus across civil society, confirmed last year in reports from B’Tselem (Israel’s leading human rights organisation), Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, in acknowledging that Israel is practicing the crime of apartheid against Palestinians. 

As a nuclear-armed state (although this is rarely acknowledged by Western governments), Israel has also pursued an aggressive stance against the country's nuclear whistle-blowers - most famously the 1986 kidnapping and jailing of former nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu. The British government remains silent on Israel's semi-clandestine nuclear status in the same way it remains silent about Palestinian human rights. 

CND is calling on supporters to gather in London to mark the Nakba and to call for an end to Israel's nuclear arsenal and human rights abuses. 
  • Saturday, May 14th – assemble at 12 noon outside Portland Place (by the BBC), W1A 1AA
  • March to Whitehall followed by rally. 
  • Volunteers for stewards can contact [email protected] for more information
Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, CND, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al- Aqsa, and the Muslim Association of Britain.
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