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Friday, May 6th, 2022

Debunking a Century of War Lies — The Corbett Report

Charles Burris

From Animal Farm to 1984

Mark McDonald, M.D.

Dialogue With a Curious Injectee

Margaret Anna Alice

What I Learned on My Trip to the Ohio Statehouse

Steve Kirsch

The Great Currency Reset and Why Europe is Trapped

Tom Luongo

The Real Black Swan of 2020: The Assault on Small Business

Janet Levy

The Obama Revolution

Alexandra Bruce

You Don’t Know Whether To Laugh or To Cry. The EU Now Has a Masterplan To Hit Putin Where It Hurts

Martin Jay

From El Salvador to Africa, the Next Currency War Pits Populists Against Bankers

Tho Bishop

The Nightmare of Roe v. Wade

George Parry

Financial War Takes a Nasty Turn

Alasdair Macleod

Durham Wins Battle To Obtain Hillary Clinton Documents

Jay Greenberg

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