They will stop at nothing.
Leftists are worried that their unfettered "right" to kill
babies is coming to an end, and are trying to tear down the U.S.
Supreme Court.
The leak last weekend to a liberal publication that Roe v.
Wade will be overturned is a last-ditch effort to turn the mob against
the court.
It won't work if we don't let it work. Now, more than ever,
we have to be ready for all the Left will throw at us. It will get
You can trace the Left's destruction of American values to
the Roe decision in 1973, where the "right" to abortion was invented
from thin air.
In recent years, the Left's disdain for America has
intensified. They spied on candidate Donald J. Trump in 2016 and
illegally framed him and his allies. They impeached him
They turned criminals loose across America and denigrated
police officers.
They locked us down unnecessarily for COVID and brutally
masked our kids.
They lied again and again to justify these outrageous
They have unleashed censorship of conservatives across
You are getting the point, right?
They are committed to destroying America from
within and all the values we hold
Abortion is one of the only values they hold dear. They will
do anything to preserve their ability to kill the
The Supreme Court is the latest institution in their path.
Expect a scorched earth strategy in coming months as the Left tries to
rally their voters.
We have to be ready, armed with the facts. We have to tell
them America is one of only a few nations on Earth that allows almost
unlimited abortions right up to the time of
We have to be ready in our legislatures, where the Left will
move fast to cement their abortion regimes.
We have to be ready in the courts, where their activists will
flood the dockets with anti-life litigation.
We have to be ready in the media, to defend the right to life
given to us by God.
We have to be ready in our neighborhoods, our schools, our
churches, and our families. This fight is never
We are heartened that the Supreme Court is finally poised to
reverse its evil Roe decision. Until it does, however, we have to
remain vigilant for the Left's eleventh-hour tactics to derail the
If Roe is overturned, the fight will shift to the states,
where battles will begin immediately.
Yes, Patriots, the fight to protect life is never easy, and
never over.
On this Earth, our paths are not straight and our obstacles
assured. But we know our cause is right and our rewards
If you want to join the fight to protect the
unborn, please donate now and do your part to make sure that the
radicals on the left can’t interfere with the Supreme Court’s ultimate
For Freedom,
Restoration PAC
