"The greatness of America is not an “ethnocentric” prejudice; it is an objective fact. This assessment is based on the only proper standard for judging a culture or a society: the degree to which its core values are pro- or anti-life. Pro-life cultures acknowledge and respect man’s nature as a rational being who must discover and create the conditions which his survival and happiness require — which means that they advocate reason, rights (freedom), and technological progress. "
Edwin Locke


Dear Anti-Capitalist Billionaires, Why Wait For a Wealth Tax? Contribute Your Money Now!

On June 24, 2019, nineteen billionaires released a letter to the media entitled “A Call to Action: A Letter in Support of a Wealth Tax.”  They urged potential presidential candidates to campaign for and, if elected, implement a new wealth tax that would strengthen America.  I hereby offer my own letter in response. 

The Pinochet Slur Against Free Market Scholars: Academic Repetition of a Lie

In each and every case, the aforementioned authors carelessly repeat a claim that they want to believe and that affirms their political priors. No effort is made to check sources or investigate whether the claim itself is reputable.

Alexander Hamilton’s Liberalism: Distinguishing Fact and Myth

Hamilton is an Enlightened, classical liberal, a more consistent champion of rights and liberty than any other Founder, thus an inspiring model for contemporary friends of liberty.

The Mythology Behind The Dishonest “New History of Capitalism” Slavery Smear

Edward Baptist, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and others of the “New History of Capitalism” demonstrate their ignorance in their dishonest attempts to associate American capitalism with slavery.

Socialist Freebies Promised By Politicians Come At The Expense of Real Freedom

The freebies approach to political campaigning and policymaking brazenly panders to mooching and, by expanding the size, scope, and power of government, also institutionalizes looting.

The Let-Alone Principle

“[T]he political system is most conducive to the public good in which the rightful liberty of the individual is least abridged.”

Replace Social Security Ponzi Schemes with Private Savings Accounts

Social Security is running out of money. You may not believe that, but it's a fact. That FICA money taken from your paycheck was not saved for you in a "trust fund." Politicians misled us. They spent every penny the moment it came in. This started as soon as they...

Laffer Gets Laughable

If we can’t kill it entirely, we should be thinking about ways to make the Fed less political, not more.

Protectionists in Plunderland

If we Americans are indeed made better off the greater are foreigners’ demands for our exports, how are we made worse off by foreigners’ economic success given that such success invariably increases their demands for our exports?

Worse Than Racists

Chief among the policies that reward inferiority and irresponsibility is the welfare state.


Keeping It Real: Bringing Ideas Down to Earth
by Leonard Peikoff, ed. by Barry Wood (540 pages)

Offers invaluable advice on how to apply broad philosophical principles to the real-world decisions we have to make every day.

"Leonard Peikoff, Ayn Rand’s longtime friend and heir, provides a wealth of practical counsel on personal relationships, child-rearing, career problems, politics, sex, and many other topics. His answers to hundreds of questions—taken from the first five years of his former podcast—highlight the importance of ensuring that the principles we claim to live by do not float in our minds as useless wordplay, but rather guide us in action toward our personal, selfish happiness here on earth."

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