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Dear Supporter,
If you're a business owner this update is more important than
usual: we're blowing the whistle on backroom changes to IRD's rules
that will result in enormous tax bills for small and
medium-size business owners. We've also been busy on multiple
campaign fronts, from Three Waters to wealth
taxes, and we've had huge win on the Rotorua
Bill. Broadcaster Peter Williams has also
joined our Board.
But first...
Revealed: Taxpayer funding for media backfires
This week we released the results of a
new scientific poll confirming what we have long suspected:
New Zealanders don't trust Government-funded media outlets to
hold the Government to account.

Payments from the likes of the $55 million "Public Interest
Journalism" Fund present a clear conflict of interest to media outlets
like Stuff and the NZ Herald, who now have millions
of dollars at stake in electing a government that protects their
Whenever we challenge media bosses on this they always
insist that their company is immune from editorial influence.
But they can no longer deny that the decision to accept funding has
eroded readers' trust.
One day after the poll's publication, the media outlets failed an
obvious test: not one of the outlets to have received PIJF funding has
covered the results of the poll.
The poll has however been covered by The Platform – a
new outlet with a policy of not accepting taxpayer money. Graham
Adams's article explains how funding recipients are pressured into
skewing their coverage of Treaty/co-governance issues.
For the record, we are tracking all payments from the Public
Interest Journalism Fund on our website. Click
here to find out who got taxpayer money.
We're calling on media outlets to salvage their credibility
by repaying taxpayer funding, and declining any future
Changes to IRD rules will see an enormous new tax burden on business owners
When the Government announced its new 39% income
tax bracket, we warned that high earners would simply shift income
into companies and trusts.
David Parker eventually cottoned on to this problem and asked
Inland Revenue to investigate ways to "crack down". Now Inland Revenue
has been quietly consulting on an
alarming set of proposals that are – frankly – bonkers.
Inland Revenue has proposed whacking most small business owners
with a tax on retained earnings (i.e. profits reinvested in a company)
if they sell shares. Those earnings have already been taxed at the
company tax rate of 28%, but Inland Revenue has suggested an extra tax
upon the sale of the business to make up the difference between 28%
and 39%. This means that for any non-listed company that, say, takes
on a new business partner (or sells to the next generation) that
proportion of retained earnings will be immediately taxed at the
marginal rates for the previous owner, all in the one income year!
Next, and even worse, Inland Revenues proposes severely limiting
which businesses will be eligible for the 28% company tax rate. A
business owner who provides more than 50% of his or her company's
services would now be denied access to the 28% company tax rate, even
if they have dozens of clients.
To add salt to the wound, big publicly-listed companies
will be exempt from these tax hikes. As our tax advisors put it,
"Inland Revenue is aiming for the kings but shooting the
The full details of the complex proposals are actually even worse
than I have space to describe here – for many business owners it will
result in more tax payable than if there was a full capital gains
tax. You
can read our formal submission on the proposals here, with analysis
from one of New Zealand's leading tax advisory firms.
Inland Revenue is not taking further submissions, but we would
still encourage business owners to add their voice by emailing [email protected].
The good news is we understand that having read our submission and
those of other experts identifying similar problems, officials are now
tearing their hair out over the mess they made of the recommendations.
Our sources within IRD tell us that officials know the only
opportunity the Government has to ram these changes through is in this
year's omnibus tax bill expected before Parliament in the next few
months. Even the mandarins in Wellington know this is an election year
stink bomb.
Remember Ardern's wealth tax promise?
Despite earlier promises, Jacinda Ardern is now refusing to rule
out the introduction of a wealth tax if she's re-elected.
Our team put this ad together which is now running across social
media and Youtube to remind New Zealanders of Jacinda Ardern's 2020
promise to never introduce a wealth tax while she's Prime
Click here to watch.
Wealth taxes are notoriously difficult to implement fairly or
simply. Someone who owns a house in Auckland may look wealthy on paper
while still struggling to pay weekly bills.
Fundamentally, a wealth tax is a tax on savings and
investment – it punishes New Zealanders who have been productive, made
prudent financial decisions, and who have already paid more than their
share of taxes.
Under pressure in Parliament this week, Ardern attempted a tougher
line, saying "I stand by my ruling out the wealth tax policy
that was put to me in 2020". The problem is, the wealth tax put
to her in 2020 was the Green Party's policy. She is intentionally
leaving herself wriggle room for Labour to introduce its own wealth
We've relaunched our Three Waters television ads
Thank you to everyone who chipped in to our Stop
Three Waters campaign fund in the last week.
With your support, we've been able to secure a number of prime time
spots for our Three Waters television
ad. Here's what we've booked so far:

We're pushing this campaign hard because we know that the more New
Zealanders learn about Three Waters, the less they like about it. By
the time official consultation opens, New Zealanders will be primed to
swamp the select committee with submissions against the scheme.
But advertising alone is not enough. In the next few weeks
will be announcing the next steps for this campaign. We will be
targeting those few councils and mayors that are not yet
standing up to the Government to protect the theft by Nanaia Mahuta of
local community water assets.
We're also going to be specifically holding to account Labour's
provincial MPs who we think are the key to overcoming the strong Māori
caucus within Labour that is driving the Three Waters and
anti-democratic co-governance agenda. Watch this space...
Peter Williams joins our Board

You might have received an email from Peter Williams recently
asking you to support our campaign
to stop Three Waters.
We’re delighted to confirm that Peter has joined our Board.
As one of New Zealand’s most trusted broadcasters, he is an
authoritative champion for our mission of lower taxes, less waste,
and more transparency.
Peter says:
It's appropriately coincidental
that my appointment to the Taxpayers' Union board is announced as New
Zealand’s inflation rate hits its highest mark in over 30 years. That
number alone reinforces the need for prudent government
The Taxpayers’ Union is a
significant watchdog of how our taxpayer money is spent, or as has
been the case too often lately, squandered. Taxpayers’ Union campaigns
have a significant strike rate in changing or amending government
policy, and I’m looking forward to ensuring there are many more such
Peter’s appointment follows those of former CEO of NZIER and
current NZSO Chair, Laurence Kubiak, former ACT Party Chief of Staff
and current Hutt City Councillor, Chris Milne, and former Finance
Minister Hon Ruth Richardson, earlier this year. All our Board members
are unpaid volunteers who provide strategic guidance and wisdom to our
team and lend substantial credibility to the efforts of the Taxpayers'
Your efforts pay off: Rotorua representation bill halted in its

Two weeks ago we urged readers of our Taxpayer Update to submit on
the Rotorua District Council (Representation Arrangements) Bill that
would have abolished the principle of "one person, one vote" in local
You responded in massive numbers. Overnight, more than two
thousand submissions were made on the Bill, with the vast majority
opposing it.
Tāmati Coffey responded by extending the select committee process.
Then the Attorney-General David Parker warned that the Bill was
inconsistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, and finally
Rotorua District Council conceded that the Government needed to press
"pause" on the Bill.
The Government now
says it will wait for further policy work to be done on the Bill.
But with the principal problem of "one person, one vote" and equality
of suffrage now acknowledged no amount of tinkering can
fix it. Even if the Government changes its mind, we've won in that the
Government will now be unable to sneak it through unnoticed and it
cannot come into effect in time to apply to this year's local
More importantly, we have demonstrated to the Government
that New Zealanders will not sit back and allow politicians to meddle
with fundamental principles of our democracy.
Jordan sat down to chat with David Farrar on Taxpayer Talk after
the victory – click
here to listen.
Megan Woods hands big business millions in "decarbonisation"

Energy Minister Megan Woods has now handed out $68 million
worth of corporate welfare payments to major businesses replacing
their boilers and heating systems.
The latest announcement saw capsicum grower Southern Paprika
get $5 million to install a new biomass boiler. Meat producer ANZCO
and textile manufacturer Canterbury Spinners each got more than a
million dollars, and DB breweries got $500,000.
Browse the full list of handouts yourself: Round
1, Round
2, Round
These businesses are massive, profitable operations. They
already have strong financial incentives to improve energy efficiency,
and they certainly don't need taxpayer help.
We can only weep for smaller businesses that already teeter
on the edge of profitability, and now find that their competitors are
receiving fat taxpayer-funded subsidies.
And here's the shocker: the handouts won’t even
reduce New Zealand’s carbon emissions: energy emissions are
capped and traded under the Emissions Trading Scheme, meaning any
emission reductions from a new boiler only serve to free up carbon
credits to be burnt in other parts of the economy! This is the
"waterbed effect" which is conveniently ignored by all the politicians
who want to be seen to be doing something knowing very well
they are wasting money.
A classic taxpayer-funded "non-job"
At the Taxpayers' Union we like to keep
track of some of the dumbest jobs in the Government sector.
Here's a doozy from the Department of the Prime Minister
and Cabinet: someone is being paid
$132,000–$155,000 to lead a team in charge of handing out
awards to recognise people involved in the COVID-19 response. We
understand the prize is a lapel pin.
If you know of other public sector "non-jobs" that deserve
attention, let us know in a reply to this newsletter.
Finance Minister cuts debt by... re-defining debt

In a pre-Budget
speech, Grant Robertson announced he will change the way the
Government measures its net debt, which will make our new debt figure
look 20 percentage points lower.
The trick is that the new formula includes assets managed
independently from the Government, such as the New Zealand
Superannuation Fund.
One side effect of this is that the reported Government debt figure
will fluctuate more wildly depending on the performance of the Super
Fund's international investments.
Our prediction for years ahead: when the Super Fund performs well,
Finance Ministers will claim credit for improved debt; when it
performs poorly, they'll blame higher debt on "international
Taxpayer Talk: Should the Government finally privatise state-owned

The Government owns or partly owns 18 large businesses with
combined assets of $78 billion. The Treasury has found that many are
Jordan and co-founder of TDB Advisory Phil Barry sat down to
discuss why these businesses would be more productive and experience
higher rates of return if they were privatised – bolstering New
Zealand's economic resilience and standard of living. Click
here to listen.
You can find all of our Taxpayer Talk episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or iHeart Radio.
This newsletter is getting long...
A few more items of Government waste to round out this
Taxpayer Update:
Taxpayers continue to be haunted by the ghost of Auckland's
scrapped bike bridge. Waka Kotahi forked
out an estimated $600,000 to lease prime waterfront office space
for the project just three weeks before it was cancelled.
Remember the public sector's COVID-19 "pay freeze"? Newshub
reveals that more than 2500 Government workers earning over
$100,000 a year got pay rises that were only meant to be granted in
"exceptional circumstances".
In a new
column, Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt has complained that in
2019 the Taxpayers' Union obtained his ratepayer-funded expenses with
"no exclusions for sensitive expenditure or for my privacy." We still
think highlighting these expenses was the right thing to do – such as
exposing that ratepayers were paying for custom "I met the Mayor"
wristbands. Click
here to find out how Tim Shadbolt spent ratepayers' money.
As always, we are indebted to the thousands of Kiwis who donate and
make this work possible.

Have a great weekend,
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'
The Platform Graham
Adams: poll shows how badly the $55 million media fund has damaged
public trust
Newstalk ZB Bryce
Wilkinson: Former Treasury director says the Auditor-General is right
to raise concerns around Covid response fund
Stuff Three
Waters is still a shameless asset
Stuff Likelihood
that Te Pāti Māori will be 2023 'kingmaker'
NZ Herald Mike
Hosking: Open and honest government? What a
Gisborne Herald Way
to go for National to form next
Kiwiblog Huge
majority believe media independence has been undermined by government
Newstalk ZB National
surges, Labour plummets in new political poll
Herald 'The
public are sick of the spin': Luxon says National's surge in polls
shows tide is turning against Ardern
Otago Daily
Times National
continues rise over Labour in latest poll
Matters Road
ad campaign criticised
Homepaddock Quotes
of the month
Homepaddock Three
Waters worse
NZ Herald Bruce
Cotterill: Looking for the Super in the
Stuff How
the office of Invercargill's mayor has vanished into a
NZ Herald Bill
Ralston: Political propaganda hard to swallow when Kiwis can't afford
Stuff Three
Waters reaction: Mayor Phil Goff says Auckland is being penalised,
LGNZ welcomes ratepayer
Rotorua Now Controversial
sculpture set for
NZ Herald From
security pacts to dancing kiwifruit - was the PM's overseas trip a
Stuff Controversial
Rotorua sculpture set for repaint 18 months after
Homepaddock Three
Waters worse
RNZ Politics:
Inflation fixes, Luxon's leadership, Ardern's Asia
Stuff The
media has trust issues, but that's not necessarily a bad
Newstalk ZB Louis
Houlbrooke: We need to ensure tourists cover their
Newstalk ZB Nats
take lead in latest poll
ZB Jason
Walls: She’ll be looking back home at those poll
Newstalk ZB David
Farrar: It’s a very stark trend
The Northland
Age Northland
speed review consultation starts next month, May
Herald National
takes lead in latest poll, but could not govern without Te Pāti
Newshub Nats
polling higher than Labour among female voters shows 'women going to
vote for best ideas', former Deputy PM Paula Bennett
Democracy Project Byrce
Edwards: A polarising co-governance decision for
Stuff High
inflation a lose-lose for the Government, but it won’t be panicking –
Newshub How
NZ Govt can bring down cost of living - ACT's David
NZ Herald Inflation
nation: Matthew Hooton – Government needs to make bold moves to head
off cost of living
NBR Inflation
hits a 30-year high
Herald National
leader Chris Luxon’s off-piste moments and who is winning the
inflation wars
Stuff The
shaky claims and untested ideology underpinning Three Waters