If you're not outraged, you're not paying attentionđź“Ł

Real News for Real Americans

BREAKING: Trump Enemy Shows Up In GOP – Bad News For Donald…

BREAKING: Army Unveils Strategy – This Is Insane

Red-Blooded Americans,

Shock and disbelief have rocked our world.

It's unfathomable. Unconscionable. Like a fist to the gut.

We've been warning you about it for years... What is taking place is dark and sinister.

Biden is hammering the final nail in America's coffin--the last deadly blow. By the time he's done in the coming months, America will never recover. His deed will be done.

That's why today I'm calling on you and grassroots America. I'm pleading with you to help us rid the Oval Office of the vile man that has cursed our country. We're so close -- impeachment talk is all over Washington!

Don't give up now! Please, join with countless other patriots and sign the petition to immediately IMPEACH Joe Biden. If another 4,318 American patriots add their signature in the next 72 hours, we can get this STRAIGHT Into the offices of every single lawmaker in Washington.

Your signature makes it possible to stand up against Biden on every level. You know how dirty he fights!

Look, there's a huge movement afoot to impeach Biden. More Congressmen have jumped on the bandwagon.

The signs Biden is in the final phase are everywhere -- the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, utter chaos at our southern border, the supply chain completely collapsing, unconstitutional mandates on American citizens and businesses, open borders, illegal Government spying, militarization of police, deconstruction of our military, rioting, bloodshed, eradication of democracy...

People are sitting doing nothing as our country is being destroyed in the final phase of Biden's plan.

This is it. We are down to the final countdown. Time is running out and yet we are dangerously close to running out of steam to fight this.

If we don't take a stand now, Biden will have no opposition left. Think how dangerous that would be. It makes me sick.

We must stop the Biden regime from making a mockery of America! Force the hand of Congress to impeach and oust him. Pull out all the stops. Give it everything you've got.

We cannot let that happen! You will help us, won't you? Or will you sit there and do nothing, giving Biden and his liberal army exactly what they want?

Here's what you can do to light the fires of impeachment under Congress:

#1.Sign the powerful Impeach Joe Biden Petition.

 #2.Donate whatever you can to help rebuild the Patriot war chest so we can continue the fight to save America.

Once you've signed, please chip in with a generous donation so we can continue to rally the troops and add COUNTLESS more signatures alongside yours!

Every signature means that much more pressure on Congress to act NOW!

There will be absolutely no mistaking that We the People are angry and want this charade to stop NOW.

Demand they impeach the biggest fraud of a President America has ever seen!

Look, it's up to us. Time is running out fast.

YOU are our last hope. God bless you. I don't know what we would do without you. Sign the IMPEACH BIDEN petition today and then chip in any amount you can to help the cause.

This email was sent by:
Outraged Patriot
651 N Broad St, Suite 205 #1146
Middletown , DE 19709

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