Friends --

As we speak, the Democratic Corporate Establishment is spending a huge amount of money trying to defeat strong, progressive women of color who are running for Congress. Given the recent news about the Supreme Court's willingness to overturn Roe v. Wade, we need these women in Congress more than ever.

One group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has launched a super PAC that has spent some ten million dollars to defeat Jessica Cisneros, Nida Allam, Summer Lee, and other progressive candidates. And by the way, this same super PAC is backing Republican members of Congress who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

What this super PAC is doing is disgusting and speaks to the corruption of our political system. When we talk about billionaires and big money buying elections, this is exactly what we are talking about. These big money interests will do and spend whatever it takes to try to stop our progressive movement. We must fight back.

Jessica, Nida, and Summer are all facing elections this month. Let's stand with them. They can take on the super PACs and win their elections -- as long as we are all in this together.

That is why I am asking:

Can you please split a $5 contribution between Jessica Cisneros, Nida Allam, and Summer Lee? Together we must elect a Congress that stands with working people, not corporate interests and wealthy campaign contributors.

Here is a little bit of information about these excellent candidates.

Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) recently forced a runoff election with her opponent, a corporate Democrat incumbent who wants to maintain the status quo. The runoff is on May 24.

Jessica is a human rights attorney who grew up watching her parents work hard and struggle to keep a small business afloat. And she’s seen her family and community continue to struggle with many of the same challenges today: lack of access to health care, too few job opportunities, and a broken immigration system. In Congress, Jessica will work to transform this country so that it works for all of our people, not just the one percent.

Nida Allam (NC-04) is facing a primary election on May 17. She is a long-time member of our movement, and served as a political director on our 2016 campaign for president.

In 2020, Nida ran an unprecedented progressive campaign for Durham County Commissioner, where she became the first Muslim woman elected to public office in North Carolina. As Durham County Commissioner, Nida voted to raise the minimum wage for county employees to $15 per hour and led the charge to provide property tax relief for low-income people. Now she is ready to fight for a progressive agenda in Congress.

Summer Lee (PA-12) also faces a primary election on May 17. For many years, she has been organizing at the local level in her community because she knows that real change always comes from the bottom on up.

As a Pennsylvania state legislator and dedicated organizer, activist, attorney, and advocate for social justice, Summer has fought tirelessly to lift up movements and transform her community. When she first ran for State House in 2018, she took on a 20-year incumbent, doubled voter turnout, and won. Now, she is running for Congress to deliver for the working class. Summer understands that now is not the time to think small -- we must act boldly to address the many crises facing our country.

Here is the truth:

If we want to build a political revolution to transform this country, it cannot be up to one candidate, one campaign, or one election. It is going to take all of us.

In order to continue our struggle for economic justice, social justice, racial justice, and environmental justice, we must come together to elect candidates who will fight for a progressive agenda.

It is not an accident that Congress is now a bolder and more progressive institution than in past years. Together, we've made that happen by taking on the political establishment and electing some great progressive leaders. It is very important that we continue that progress.

So if you can afford it, these are three progressive candidates who could really use your support. Every contribution will help them take on super PAC spending and win their elections.

Please split a $5 contribution between Jessica Cisneros, Nida Allam, and Summer Lee today. Your contribution will make a big difference for their campaigns.

We are in an unprecedented moment in American history where income and wealth inequality are on the rise like never before. That is why now more than ever, we must stand together in the fight for justice.

Thank you for adding a contribution today to help these three progressive candidates win their elections and continue our struggle to create the kind of nation we know we can become.

In solidarity,

-- Bernie Sanders




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