Join us! Get a June 18th T-Shirt!

Join us Saturday or Monday to Spread the Word About June 18th!


The Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls is just around the corner! Sign up HERE to join fellow activists to get the word out to DC about June 18th!

  • This Saturday, May 7 at 1:00 PM we'll be meeting near the Petworth metro (@ Dunkin Donuts, 850 Quincy St NW). (Contact is: [email protected] (703) 646-8805 )

Monday is a national day of canvassing for June 18th:

  • On Monday, May 9 between 7:30 and 9:00 am, early risers can join us at the Takoma metro. (Contact is Liz: [email protected])
  • Later on Monday, May 9 at 4:30pm, we're meeting at Navy Yard metro. (Contact is: [email protected] (703) 646-8805)

Sign-up HERE or email [email protected]


We'll be distributing flyers at metro stops and houses and asking businesses to put posters in their windows. We'll provide materials, training and a T-shirt.

The Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on June 18, 2022 will be a generationally-transformative declaration of the power of poor and low-wealth people and our moral allies to say that this system is killing ALL of us and we can’t…we won’t…we refuse to be silent anymore!


We are demanding this nation do MORE to live up its possibilities. We must get the word out!


Get the latest updates about other volunteer opportunities including on June 17th and June 18th by signing up HERE.


Forward together!


Liz McNichol

Zillah Wesley II

DC Poor People's Campaign

[email protected]


P.S. Don't forget to RSVP for June 18th at If you haven't already.