Ken Calvert For Congress
Friend –

Great news! Last week, new federal legislation that seeks to ban the testing of cosmetic products on animals was introduced to the United States House of Representatives.

It's amazing what can be done when our government focuses on the issues Americans care about, and not their own political agendas.

But while the House squabbles over impeachment, my own bill - the FACT Act - which would help end unnecessary taxpayer-funded animal testing, is still stuck in committee.

I desperately need your support to move the FACT Act out of the committee and passed into law so we can end unnecessary taxpayer-funded animal testing. Will you show your support by chipping in today?

Taxpayers like you and me are forced to fund the abuse of helpless animals in testing labs across our country, and it goes beyond cosmetic products.

This has been an issue close to my heart for YEARS. But the truth is, the House is too preoccupied with their impeachment agenda to focus on a bipartisan issue that most Americans WANT.

I need your help to continue fighting for animal rights in Congress. Will you pitch in $25, $50 or even more to today?

This is more than protecting the lives of innocent animals, it's about protecting every taxpayer's dollar! We should not be forced to fund the abuse of these animals, and it's time we take action!

For many years, I've worked closely with animal advocates to curb testing that can otherwise be done without using animals. The Humane Cosmetics Act introduced last week is a great start, but I know we can do more.

Friend, I hope I can count on your support to push this bill to the forefront of lawmaker's agendas. With your help, we can win this battle.


Congressman Ken Calvert
Deputy Chair, NRCC
Calvert for Congress

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Ken Calvert for Congress

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