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Hi ,

The FDIC just voted to issue the new draft Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rules we have all been waiting for! 

You can view a condensed summary of the draft rule from the agency here and our full TreasureCRA website here.

The full Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is available here.

A few thoughts as you dive in:

  • NCRC staff will be digesting the lengthy and detailed proposal over the coming days and weeks. We will share more specific thoughts with all of you as we arrive at them.
  • For now, we encourage all of you to use your platforms to remind regulators of the importance of a robust and ambitious overhaul of CRA rules.

NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Tol’s brief initial statement welcoming the release of the proposed rules can be found here.

Thank you for all your hard work in getting us to this point – and all the hard work we will continue doing together to push for the strongest possible new rule.

In solidarity,

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