You still have time to honor a mom or other exceptional woman this Mother’s Day by helping another mother thrive. Think how glad she’ll be when you explain that her Mother’s Day gift is helping someone like Soniya.
Soniya and her husband worked at a rice mill, hoping to build a better life for their two young sons. But the owner tricked them into taking an advance payment that would be impossible to ever repay with their low wages. Soniya’s family was trapped in bonded labor, a form of modern-day slavery.
When our IJM field office learned about the rice mill, they quickly gathered evidence and coordinated with local authorities on a rescue.
Give toward a rescue operation: $150
In all, 15 people were freed from the rice mill, had their debts canceled and were paid restitution. After two years of trauma counseling and other help from IJM, Soniya’s family is less vulnerable to exploitation, and she has launched her own small business. She’s now learning to be an advocate for others. They have also welcomed a beautiful baby girl into their family!
Provide trauma therapy for a survivor: $50
Help a business startup: $50
Soniya’s family has the freedom to thrive thanks to caring IJM supporters like you. And by shopping our Spring Gift Catalog for Mother’s Day, you can honor someone important in your life by helping more families together.
International Justice Mission complies fully with federal and state charitable solicitation
requirements, and meets all the Standards for Charity Accountability of the Better Business Bureau Wise
Giving Alliance. Full State Disclosure information.