Like a lot of other people, this time of year makes me pause and reflect on so many things I'm grateful for. I am thankful for the people that I love and a community that I can count on. I am thankful for the hundreds of thousands of volunteers, donors, and voters who helped Democrats flip the House.

And I am thankful for you, John.

I wouldn't be representing Washington's 8th District in D.C. and fighting for our families without you by my side. And together, I know we can continue to make a real difference -- but I'm going to need your help.

The national Republicans' hand-picked candidate jumped into the race last month. And with the National Republican Congressional Committee already targeting our district, we can expect more of what we saw last year -- millions of dollars spent spreading lies about me and this campaign -- so we're anticipating that 2020 will be another tough race.

I'm not scared, though, because I know we've got the power of everyday people on our side. But in order to hit our November grassroots donor goal, we need 347 more people to step up. Can I count on you? Please chip in $5 or more before Saturday at midnight to help us hit our goal.

With everything our grassroots team has done already, just imagine how much more is possible if we have the resources to stay on the airwaves a little longer or hire a few more field organizers to spread the word about our campaign in neighborhoods across the district.

That's why this end-of-month donor deadline is so important. We're one year out from the 2020 election, and it's an opportunity for us to keep building this campaign so that when the national Republicans and their hand-picked candidate spend millions on negative ads, we're stronger than ever and ready to fight back.

So please, chip in $5 or more before Saturday's deadline at midnight and help us meet our end-of-month grassroots donor goal.

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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