Hi John,
Election Day has arrived - Thursday 5th May - today the people of Northern Ireland will vote to elect their MLAs to the Assembly.
When the election was announced back in February, Precious Life immediately launched into our VOTE PRO-LIFE Campaign. This was the first Assembly Election since abortion was forced on Northern Ireland in 2019. It was the collusion and connivance of pro-abortion MLAs from SInn Fein, SDLP, Ulster Unionist Party, Alliance Party, Green Party, and PeopleBeforeProfit that has directly resulted in the the killing of over 2394 little babies in Northern Ireland. We needed to make RESTORE PERSONHOOD for unborn babies the number 1 issue in the election. We printed and distributed hundreds of thousands of our VOTE PRO-LIFE leaflets. Our teams were out through rain, hail, and shine, hand-delivering the leaflets into letterboxes all across Northern Ireland.

Our hard-working social media designer Catherine posted graphics every day, exposing the pro-abortion candidates and highlighting the pro-life candidates. Laura, our talented video animator created a highly informative video explaining the "Transfer Vote System". Our Mobile Billboard Lorries carried our eye-catching VOTE PRO-LIFE message around Northeim Ireland, We also held numerous Information Evenings across Northern Ireland, exposing the pro-abortion political parties, and explaining how to strategically use the "Transferable Vote" System to elect pro-life MLAs. For many people, the system was confusing but we made it easy for them to understand how to "vote pro-life" - put a number in the voting box next to the PRO-LIFE candidate’s name (1,2,3,etc in order of your preference) and leave all the other boxes BLANK. Plain and simple!
In this last week before the election, we also placed ads in the main newspapers in Northern Ireland explaining how to make your vote count for unborn babies.

Look out for our Vote Pro-LIfe Mobile Billboard, which will be taking the VOTE PRO-LIFE message around the Polling Stations today. We will also have teams outside the Polling Station, distributing leaflets and holding our Vote Pro-Life signs and banners If you would like to join us for an hour, give us a call on 02890278484. Remember to also support us with your prayers. Pray the Election Prayer at the top of this email. And you can also help us by clicking on the DONATE button to help us cover the massive costs of this vital campaign to protect Northern Ireland unborn babies, by ensuring only pro-life MLAs are retuned to our Assembly. A big THANK YOU again for all your continued support.
The Precious Life Communications Team