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The draft SCOTUS opinion -- allowing states to ban abortion in all cases, including rape -- was prepared by a right-wing majority poised to destroy Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and the constitutional right to privacy.

John, any right-wing state powerful enough to jail you for having an abortion is powerful enough to compel you to have one and sterilize you. If the right to privacy falls, states will be able not only to prosecute and jail women and their doctors for abortion crimes but also to criminalize use of birth control devices like the IUD, the morning-after pill or condoms. The right to reproductive and procreative autonomy will vanish into thin air.

In the absence of a right to privacy and reproductive autonomy, states will also be able to compel women to be sterilized or to have abortions if they are deemed "unfit" to reproduce, as Virginia and other states openly sterilized thousands of women in the last century.

It’s getting kind of Handmaid’s Tale and 1984-ish around here, no?

Let's organize. Will you rush a contribution to elect true-blue Democrats to the House and Senate who will stand up for the Constitution and fight back against right-wing attacks on the Bill of Rights and fundamental freedoms?

Defend Reproductive Rights

The Supreme Court is preparing to destroy the rights women and men have in reproductive and procreative autonomy, ushering in an Orbán-style “illiberal state.”

We need to turn out the vote like we’ve never turned out the vote before, and the people need to stand up and defend our democratic institutions and the rights of the people—because the Supreme Court certainly won’t do it.

I appreciate your support in this most urgent mobilization to defend freedom in America.

With gratitude and solidarity,

-- Congressman Jamie Raskin





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