Senators reach across aisle for bipartisan climate talks
Last week, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and several of his colleagues in Congress began talks to gauge bipartisan interest in a climate deal. One policy that has been repeatedly mentioned in these talks is a border carbon adjustment mechanism, which is a key element of CCL’s preferred carbon pricing legislation. “We’re encouraged to see Republicans and Democrats discussing border carbon adjustments,” said Danny Richter, CCL VP of Government Affairs. “Our top two trading partners, the E.U. and Canada, are already moving forward with border carbon adjustments of their own. It’s smart of Congress to consider this policy, and it could lay additional groundwork for a domestic carbon price.” In addition to these bipartisan climate talks, there is still an opportunity for significant climate legislation to pass through the reconciliation process. These climate-focused talks, in addition to the amount of climate concern displayed throughout reconciliation, shows that there is an appetite for climate legislation in Congress. This is an excellent time to urge your senators, representatives, and President Biden to take action on climate and clean energy. Send them a message with our easy action tool!
In other news this week:
- June conference keynote: Dr. Bill Shireman, President and CEO of the business-oriented environmental organization Future 500, will be delivering the closing keynote at CCL’s June conference. Dr. Shireman brings together capitalists, activists, conservatives, progressives, and other groups to overcome challenges that often divide them. Be sure to register so you can hear him at our June conference!
- Nerd Corner: May the Fourth be with you! On this nerdiest of days, CCL’s Research Team is pleased to announce the imminent launch of its fully armed and operational Nerd Corner. The Nerd Corner will be a one-stop shop on CCL Community for nerds and the nerd-curious to engage with the Research Team on the latest happenings in the worlds of climate science, economics, policy, and technology. Join Danny Richter, Dana Nuccitelli, Jonathan Marshall, and Rick Knight for a Zoom launch event on Wednesday, May 18, at 8 p.m. ET.
- Danny Richter in Notre Dame Magazine: This past week, Notre Dame Magazine did an alumni spotlight on CCL’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Danny Richter. The article explains that professors at Notre Dame opened Danny’s eyes to the possibility of working in the environmental sector…and the rest is history!
- Citizens’ Climate Radio: In episode 71, Peterson Toscano talks with four South African veterinarians about how climate change affects domestic and wild animals. Listen now!
- Electrifying everything and CCL: In this blog, Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli dives into the details of how expanding electrification can solve various problems, how the campaign can be advanced, and how CCLers can help. Read more here.