As I’ve mentioned so many times before, 2019 is a huge election year for Fairfax County. We’ve done our homework for the Fairfax County Board of Supervisor seats, hosting three candidate forums in May and June. Now it’s time to focus on state-level House of Delegates and Senate seats—ALL of which are up for election in November.
This summer we’re partnering with Food & Water Action to put climate at the top of every candidate’s agenda. Can you help us with this effort?
We’re asking all of you to give this questionnaire (or the paper version) to the House and Senate candidates in your district. Corner them at candidate town halls or debates, schedule in-person meetings, or just send them a quick email. Find tips and talking points here. And if you’re not sure which districts you’re in, find your legislators here.
The talking points are simple: “Climate change is real, and it’s already happening here in Virginia. We want regulated utility money out of our legislature. We want no new pipelines; fossil fuels should stay in the ground. We want a just transition to 100% renewable energy as quickly as possible. We want the well-paying clean energy jobs and the lower energy bills that come with that just transition. And we want healthy, happy futures for our children and grandchildren. Are you with us?”
Once you’ve contacted your legislators, shoot us an email to let us know. Or better yet, tweet us @350fairfax to help spread the word.
And don’t forget! Tonight is the Virginia Fossil Fuels Projects Info Session. Join us at Woodrow Wilson Library at 6:30 p.m. Find more details and RSVP here or on Facebook.