Protect a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Culture National Historical Park from future oil and gas leasing

Dear John,

The time is now to demand environmental justice for the people and the living culture surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park in the Four Corners region of the Southwest. 

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed to withdraw over 300,0000 acres of public land from future mineral leasing in a 10-mile buffer surrounding the park for a 20 year period. Can you submit a public comment by midnight Friday, May 6th?

Activists and community members across the region need your help demanding action to address environmental racism and bring an end to sacrifice zones. More than this buffer, we are insisting on a cumulative impact study of the 40,000+ oil and gas wells polluting the region and a shift in policy requiring all BLM land decisions be made with the free, informed, and prior consent of traditional Navajo Chapters, the Navajo Nation, the All Pueblo Council of Governors, and all Tribes who trace lineage to these sacred lands or to Chaco culture. 

The Greater Chaco region is fighting for a healthier and more just future. The proposed 10-mile mineral withdrawal around Chaco National Park boundaries is a step in the right direction, but the Department of Interior needs to hear from us that much more is needed to protect the Greater Chaco Landscape and the Indigenous and Native communities who call it home.  

Submit public comments and help lift up all of our voices to be heard!

Kendra Pinto
Four Corners Indigenous Community Field Advocate, Earthworks

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