Cease Fire PA Action


Friend, I’ll make this quick.

I wanted to make sure you saw Adam’s email. We’ve already recruited twelve new co-sponsors for legislation that would help to reduce gun violence in Pennsylvania!


We know that the bills we’ve proposed will save lives, because in other states these laws are already doing just that. 

Gun suicides are being prevented with judicial intervention. Kids are being met with services and opportunities, not jail time and bullet wounds and funerals. And survivors? They’re believed, supported, and kept safe. 

That could be our reality, but it is up to us to do it. We are about halfway to our fundraising goal. Will you help us get across the finish line?

Thank you for honoring loss with action.

Jeff Yurcan



I need to tell you about our day in the Capitol on Tuesday.

I am in complete awe of the power of our movement. Survivors shared their stories for the press and passersby as the rain poured down. Our members would withstand a hurricane if it meant one more child, one more parent, or one more friend was still alive.

We marched back in to demand our elected leaders do their first job: to keep people safe.

Already, 12 more legislators have joined our efforts to tackle illegal firearm trafficking and prevent firearm suicides. We have to keep that momentum going. Click here to make a donation of $15 to keep moving us forward.

Everywhere you turned on Tuesday, you saw another advocate in an orange shirt. They poured out of elevators and meeting rooms and built strategy and community with fellow survivors in hallways. During the course of dozens of meetings with Republicans and Democrats, our advocates and survivors pushed. And the stakes could not be higher. As you read this, it has now been 1,294 days since Harrisburg last passed gun violence legislation. 

That's 6000 funerals.

I know from the stories of mothers shared in the rain, we must move faster if we’re going to save lives. We have a plan.

STEP 1: Win funding for community violence prevention program: In two months we’ll know how many resources are available for community organizations to interrupt violence. The right investment could set us on the path to cutting shootings by 30%. Failure to act could stop lifesaving programs in their tracks.

STEP 2: We need to get these legislative solutions out of committees and onto the floor for a vote, where they belong. We gained twelve new co-sponsors for proposals in just one day of lobbying, but we have so much further to go if we’re going to save lives.

We’re $9,500 short of where we need to be to make this plan a reality. Will you make a donation right now to ensure everyone’s voice is heard?

We’ll stand in the rain, withstand a hurricane if need be if it stops the next tombstone from being erected. Stand with us.

Thank you for honoring loss with action,

Adam Garber




P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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