John, I’m writing you because I believe we have something in common — a passion for the sanctity of life.
I just read the most amazing story from a mom who almost chose abortion, and knew you would want to read it yourself.
Shana* was pregnant and set on getting an abortion when she walked by a mobile unit from a pregnancy medical center. Shana glanced back at the unit offering free ultrasounds.
One of the unit workers happened to be outside and saw Shana’s glance. She raced to catch up with the young woman. “Do you need a pregnancy test?” she asked.
“No, I just need information on an abortion,” Shana replied. However, Shana agreed to step into the mobile unit for a quick ultrasound.
On the screen, Shana saw an active, fully formed baby bouncing around and rubbing its face with its hands. Shana couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She cried, “Oh my, it’s a baby!”
Right then and there, Shana changed her mind. Instead of abortion, she decided to make an adoption plan.
Praise God! Would you please join me in praying for Shana and her precious baby? Pray they would continue experiencing Christ’s presence and goodness as Shana walks forward in this life-giving plan.
When I read stories like hers, my heart breaks at the thought of the moms that didn’t see their baby on an ultrasound screen before choosing abortion. So many of them didn’t have that “proof of life.”
If your heart also aches for young women and their babies who are heading for the pain of abortion, you can do something about it! You can save lives through Focus on the Family’s Option Ultrasound program that equips pregnancy medical centers — especially in high-risk areas — with ultrasound machines, nurses’ sonography training, and resources to reveal life to expectant mothers.
We have seen time and again how a simple ultrasound can change a mom’s heart and mind through this program. Over half of moms considering abortion who have an ultrasound and receive counseling choose life!
That’s why I’m coming to you right now…
I’m looking for 300 people to step forward and make a gift to reach even more mothers and stop the tragedy of abortion.
Specifically, would you be one of the 300 people to give $60 right now? Your gift can help save the life of one preborn baby through our Option Ultrasound program. Plus, if you act right away, your gift will be DOUBLED through a $4 Million Match from generous friends like you who value life!
That means that your gift today will go twice as far to help moms like Shana and save even MORE babies from the horror of abortion.
I hope you will consider this! Click here to make your gift.
Thank you in advance for your courage in saving lives and commitment to preborn babies!

Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
*Name changed to protect privacy |