From ADL Education <[email protected]>
Subject Use evocative short films to discuss identity, diversity and bias
Date May 4, 2022 2:05 PM
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May 2022

Dear John,

In May, we honor both Jewish American and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Months&mdash;see our collection of resources that include lesson plans, teaching tools and children&rsquo;s literature. We also have new lesson plans and other resources including a webinar on contemporary antisemitism and a guide for discussing short and powerful films as openings for classroom discussions about identity, diversity, bias and social justice.

WebinarTeaching about Contemporary Antisemitism: 2021 ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents

(5/24 Webinar)

Utilizing the newly released results of the annual ADL Audit, explore the many manifestations of this hate, from Holocaust denial to anti-Israel bias and rhetoric, and how it continues to impact our world.

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New Lesson PlanAnti-Bias Mini Film Festival

Short evocative videos and films can be a great way to engage young people in conversations about identity, diversity, bias and social justice. This guide presents eight short films with discussion questions, writing prompts and activities.

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New Lesson PlanHair Discrimination and the CROWN Act

This middle/high school lesson plan will help students reflect on real-life examples of hair discrimination, explore the need for the CROWN Act (which stands for &ldquo;Create a Respectful

and Open Workplace for Natural Hair&rdquo;) and consider their point of view through speech writing.

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New Table TalkWhat is the CROWN Act?

This Table Talk family discussion guide will help your family discuss hair discrimination and how the CROWN Act, if passed federally, will help to prevent it from happening in the future.

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Book of the MonthWatercress

This picture book for ages 4-8 tells the story of an Asian American family who find watercress on the side of the road, which brings up powerful stories and memories of the mother&rsquo;s family in China..

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New Mini-LessonWhat is Anti-Immigrant Bias?

This short, interactive mini-lesson provides an introduction to the stereotypes that fuel anti-immigrant bias and helps classrooms cultivate an inclusive and respectful environment.

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May is Jewish American Heritage Month

Use our collection of lesson plans, teaching tools, family discussion guides and children&rsquo;s literature to bring the themes of Jewish American Heritage Month to your home and classroom throughout the year.

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May is also AAPI Heritage Month

Use our collection of lesson plans, teaching tools, family discussion guides and children&rsquo;s literature to bring the themes of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage (AAPI) Month to your home and classroom throughout the year.

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Anti-Bias Curriculum for Sale

Use our elementary, middle and high school curriculum guides to teach anti-bias education in your classroom. The curricula are designed to help students explore identity, understand and interpret differences, and analyze and challenge bias.

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Purchase Curriculum


Join Us November 10 for

Never Is Now
The World's Largest Annual Summit on Antisemitism and Hate.

Join fellow high school educators and students in New York City's Javits Center for empowering programming directed at young people about confronting hate and bigotry in today&rsquo;s world. FREE for schools

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