The OLD FL-21 may have been under Democrat control…

But with 2022 district maps recently signed into law by Governor DeSantis, the NEW FL-21 could be represented by Trump-endorsed, America First patriot Brian Mast!
This is a huge opportunity to get conservative leadership not just in a critical Florida House district, but also nationwide.


Because helping war hero Brian Mast get re-elected to keep up his service to America in this newly-drawn district is a critical component of taking back the majority in our House of Representatives.

So now that Brian has announced he’s running in this new district… Will you help us defend it? →

We’re looking for 100 supporters to keep momentum for this war hero’s re-election going strong by chipping in just $21 this week. This is how we help Brian continue to serve the country he lost two legs fighting for - AND how we get the House back from Pelosi!

Thank you for rushing in to our defenses,
FL-21 Defense Fund (via Team Mast)