From Senate Conservatives <[email protected]>
Subject McMullin Clown Car
Date May 4, 2022 1:30 PM
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Utah Democrats unite behind Evan McMullin to defeat Mike Lee.
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Senate Conservatives Fund

Utah Democrats are piling into the Evan McMullin Clown Car!

No seriously! The Utah Democrat Party recently held its convention to pick a candidate to run against conservative Senator Mike Lee. They knew they couldn’t beat one of the most effective leaders in the Senate, so they voted not to nominate any candidate in 2022. Instead, they endorsed preening, never-Trump fraud, Evan McMullin.

Even McMullin is a liberal and we can't let him trick the voters in Utah. Please take action now to support Mike Lee. ([link removed])

You may remember Mr. “McMuffin” from his “Hey Look At Me!” presidential campaign in 2016. He pretended to be the “principled” Republican in the race! But he quickly showed he was just another Beltway RINO – and spent the last six years throwing Twitter tantrums about Donald Trump’s historic success in the White House.

Deprived of the attention he craves, McMullin decided he wasn’t so conservative after all – and began plotting a run against Mike Lee. Of course, he could never beat Mike Lee in a Republican primary so he filed to run as an independent and immediately started working with Democrats to get their endorsement.

Please support Mike Lee's conservative campaign today! ([link removed])

Mike Lee is one of the most principled conservatives in elected office today. He stands for the Constitution, for secure borders and elections, for the rights of the unborn, religious believers, and against Swamp Corruption. So, of course, the Democrats can’t stand him.

But the GOP Establishment is opposed to Mike Lee too! He's a genuine, principled, fighting conservative – so he’s as much a thorn in the side of Mitch McConnell as he is to Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer. (That’s why Mitt Romney refuses to endorse Lee!)

Stop the establishment's McMullin Clown Car! ([link removed])

Mike Lee was one of SCF’s first endorsements in the 2010 Tea Party election, and he has continued to fight for our values year after year. He is precisely the kind of fighter and leader conservatives need if we’re ever to rescue America from the woke, socialist cabal now running Washington.

Help Mike Lee defeat Evan McMullin with a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more today. ([link removed])

SCF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your contribution to Lee's campaign. You can also support any of our other endorsed candidates in the same online transaction.

Thank you for considering this request and for doing so much to help us build a conservative Senate.

Mary Vought Signature
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
@MaryVought ([link removed]) / @SCF ([link removed])

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Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint to help the grassroots change Washington.

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