Hi John,

Have you seen the new video from a far right ‘candidate’ explaining why he wants people to stay home on Thursday and not vote in the local elections? 

We know from experience that one of the biggest factors in the electoral success of far right groups is low voter turnout. That’s why it’s so important that everyone who can vote on Thursday does. 

Even if you don’t have elections near you, you can still make a difference by sharing this new video which shows just what’s at stake if the far right gets elected on Thursday. 

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For the first time in several years, there are genuine electoral threats from the far right. But we know if we work together we can send them packing - we’ve done it before and we can do it again.

Even if you don't have a far right candidate standing near you it’s still vital to vote. We’ve seen time and time again that apathy and disengagement today opens the door to extremism tomorrow.

A potent combination of crises including the pandemic, rising political distrust and soaring living costs has created fertile ground for the growth of disillusionment and far right ideas.

Recent polling we commissioned shows that 58% of young people think getting involved in politics is a waste of time because nothing changes. With all the challenges people are facing, it’s easy to understand this feeling of helplessness - but unfortunately it’s the far right that stands to benefit most from political apathy. 

Voting is an anti-fascist issue. To defeat far right candidates in your constituency, make a plan to vote tomorrow and encourage your friends and family to join you. 

If you don’t have elections near you, you can still make a difference by sharing this video and calling on everyone who can to use their vote to defeat the far right on Thursday. 

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When we come together in the fight against fascism and extremism we can achieve incredible things. Thank you for everything you do,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate