
Monuments come in many shapes, sizes, and from different times. But the good ones affect us the same: They inspire us to stand tall and fight for what’s right.

I’m running for the U.S. Senate against Chuck Grassley to take on the big fights – from challenging Big Pharma and insurance companies with Medicare for All, to combatting the climate crisis, protecting women’s rights, and defending democracy here at home and abroad.

We just launched our second TV ad in our campaign against Chuck Grassley, and it’s about exactly these issues. I hope you’ll take 30 seconds to watch it, and if you’re able to, please consider making a donation to help us keep it up on the air.

We’re still the first and only campaign up on TV right now in Iowa. But once Grassley and McConnell see this ad, they’re going to immediately start trying to smear me with Super PAC attacks.

We have to be ready to keep getting our message out while we counter Fox News’ lies and propaganda.

I am so grateful for your support and trust in me to win this race and turn Iowa blue.

Thank you,

Mike Franken, U.S. Navy (ret.)