What you can do to protect abortion access
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Swing Left


Organizing and mobilizing is difficult at the best of times, and in moments like this, where your health and safety, or the safety and privacy of people you care about, are at risk, it can feel downright impossible. As always, please prioritize your mental and physical health and what is right for you at this moment. We will be here whenever and however you want to be involved.



Last night, documents confirmed that the conservative Supreme Court majority is drafting an opinion that, if released next month, would strike down Roe v. Wade. This would eliminate Americans' constitutional right to abortion, and reject 50 years of legal precedent and the will of the vast majority of Americans.

This news is devastating, and the chilling effects this ruling would have on the health and safety of people across the country—particularly those in rural communities, individuals with lower income, women, and people of color—cannot be overstated. 

The GOP has been playing the long game: chipping away at reproductive rights for decades by electing increasingly far-right candidates at all levels of government, undermining the confirmation process to stack the Supreme Court with conservative justices, and enacting trigger laws that, in the absence of Roe, would immediately make abortion illegal. There are currently 22 states across the country that are certain to outlaw abortion should the Court strike down Roe.

This multi-pronged attack on abortion access demands a multi-pronged response. 

In the immediate, we need to do all we can to make sure abortion providers have the resources they need to continue providing care, and to make sure anyone who needs an abortion knows how to access that care safely, no matter what state they live in. 

Long term, we must protect abortion access by electing more pro-choice Democrats to the U.S. House, Senate, governorships, and state legislatures in red states and blue states to build power at all levels of government. 

Here are some ways you can get involved:

Currently, there are 23 states with GOP trifectas and two states in which the Republican state legislature can override the Democratic governor’s veto. If left unchecked, Republicans will continue to introduce legislation to limit fundamental rights across the board. Electing more Democratic governors and breaking up GOP power in state legislatures is critical this year, and in elections to come.

To defeat the GOP and their far-right agenda, we’ve got to continue to knock on doors, make calls, write letters, donate, and help turn out millions of voters in November to deliver a resounding Democratic victory.
Remember: right now, abortion is still legal in the United States. Let’s continue the work to safeguard abortion access by electing Democrats who will outright reject Republicans’ continued attacks on civil liberties.

The Swing Left Team


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