John --

This weekend, we mentioned to you that a Koch-funded dark money organization launched a six-figure ad buy in four of the most critical Senate battleground states in the 2020 election.

We also mentioned that we needed to bring in as much money as possible before midnight tonight to put together the kind of response needed to fight back against these kind of attacks against our Democratic candidates.

The response was incredible -- and we wanted to share it with you again before today's deadline. It’s copied below.

So, take a moment to read our message from Saturday and then contribute $10 or more to help us fight back and Flip the Senate:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

---------- Forwarded Message from Flip the Senate ----------

Here we go, John --

The FEC just reported on a new, six-figure attack buy from a Koch group in North Carolina, Texas, Colorado, and Georgia -- four of the most competitive Senate races in the country. 

Just as Democrats started to find real momentum in our fight to Flip the Senate, McConnell’s dark money network is coming to the rescue. 

We need to fight back -- quickly -- and make sure the Republicans know we aren’t going to let them buy the Senate again just so they can do the bidding of right-wing billionaire families like the Koch network. 

If you can, rush a donation of $10 or more to help us respond to dark money attacks like this one. The fight to take back the Senate is a toss-up and moments like these will determine whether we can overcome McConnell’s donor network or fall short next year: 

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’re seeing Republican-aligned dark money groups spending earlier than ever before -- and we have to fight back in response. Especially in a state like North Carolina, which just became a toss-up election! 

Thanks for stepping up today.

— Flip the Senate