In a draft letter, the Supreme Court is preparing to overturn Roe v Wade.


I’ll just say, as I have always maintained whether it was when I was a young Republican who supported gay marriage, or as an elected Democrat who fought for personal choice when it came to vaccines and masking, we should respect people, our friends, families, and neighbors to make the best decisions for their own bodies and families.


I just don’t want the government involved, leave decisions to women, their families, their faith, and their doctors.


This is a HUGE moment though. For over fifty years, America has respected that autonomy, and now Republican activist judges are trying to overturn and take away your hard-fought freedoms and ultimately, put women at risk. Because when Roe ends, it cannot stop all abortions no more than our failed war on drugs did, it'll just end just safe and legal access to abortion.


The decision will, when enacted, allow Florida to immediately ban ALL abortions in our state. They have already done so after 15-weeks even in the case of rape or incest, and you just KNOW that Governor DeSantis will be one of the first to call the special session to pass the complete ban.


This is why investing in our State House is so important! This is how and where we hold the line. Literally, this seat, OURS, is what is keeping Republicans from having a super-majority and COMPLETE control in our state. Even if you disagree with me from time to time, surely we can all agree that Government is best when there is some balance and voice for the voiceless.


I need you to join me! I need you to knock doors, chip in monthly, or go all-in here and now to stand up and fight back.



I cannot tell you how much I need and appreciate your support! We can do this, as long as we stick together and WIN!
