![]() Patriot, You can’t make this headline up: “DHS Chief Claims Worry About New ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ Is Due To ‘Misinformation’.” That’s right: The disinformation boss claims information about the disinformation board is disinformation. You and I can stop this now, and I’ll get to that in just a moment. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is in total damage-control mode and revealing the true nature of the newly announced “Disinformation Governance Board,” a.k.a. “Ministry of Disinformation.” That’s because people across the political spectrum are rapidly coming together to demand the Department of Homeland Security scrap their planned crackdown on the First Amendment. Civil libertarians on both the left and the right are rightly outraged that the government – the leading exponent of disinformation for at least the past century – presumes to tell us what’s true and what isn’t. After all, one of the most egregious and nefarious disinformation campaigns in years was the pre-election lie that the authentic Biden emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop were "Russian disinformation." That lie was created by former intelligence officials and aggressively promoted by none other than the woman President Biden has named to head the new Ministry of Disinformation, Nina Jankowicz, who calls herself “the Mary Poppins of disinformation.” It is encouraging to see those who cherish free speech in America speaking out as we see our cherished civil liberty in danger. “Mind-blowing that there are people who think this is a good idea,” wrote liberal journalist Matt Taibbi. “They’re embracing the same ideas they claimed to denounce in the Bush years – mass surveillance, secret bureaucracy, watchlisting, censorship, etc.” On the right, at least one Republican senator announced plans to introduce legislation to eliminate the board and forbid the government to ever create another one. There is a similar bill in the House. But there is a simpler way to shut down this new rogue board: defund it! Congress has only a few months before their summer vacation/campaign season begins. Right now, they’re scrambling to pass spending bills so they don’t have to be in Washington, D.C. in the days and weeks leading up to the elections. So you and I need to demand they defund the Ministry of Disinformation now. Sign the Campaign for Liberty letter to Congress: De-fund the Ministry of Truth! According to a credible reporter citing a White House staffer, DHS Secretary Mayorkas and Vice President Kamala Harris were opposed to the disinformation board, and it was originally going to be a National Security Council board, but was kicked to DHS after internal backlash. In other words, even within the Executive Branch, there was concern that creating the disinformation board was a bad
idea. Nobody honestly thinks the disinformation board is going to be truthful. In its announcement, DHS said the board would especially target “disinformation” about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Whatever your opinion about that conflict, there is no question the military-industrial complex is always in favor of escalating war, no question disinformation has been a central part of ginning up public support for previous wars, and no question the mass media is normalizing the ongoing escalation of U.S. involvement in that war now. And “the Mary Poppins of disinformation,” Nina Jankowicz, is no impartial observer. She was an adviser to the American-backed regime in Ukraine. “Scary” Poppins is also no stranger to disinformation. In 2016, she touted and promoted a statement from the Hillary Clinton campaign about a since-debunked news story planted by Clinton operatives Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, claiming a Trump campaign aide had ties to the Kremlin. It was in response to another completely fake news story, “Manafort held secret talks with Julian Assange in Ecuadorian embassy,” which was treated as a huge bombshell. It was so fake the paper eventually added “--sources say” to the headline. Scary Poppins tweeted the Clinton campaign’s bogus statement, tweeting “Trump’s Kremlin ties don’t end at Manafort. This (clap emoji) is (clap) serious (clap) people (clap).” It’s become clear: Nina Jankowicz’s only “expertise” on disinformation is
spreading it. Tell Congress Now: De-Fund the “Scary Poppins” Ministry of Disinformation! If we don’t stop it now, the agency will certainly engage in what Jankowicz frequently calls “disinformation laundering” – legitimizing fake news by putting the government’s rubber stamp on fake stories. And they will almost certainly pressure social networks into banning anyone who disputes the government’s false claims, as they did with Covid-19, the Hunter Biden laptop story, and countless others. Make no bones about it, this new agency will be the most brazen assault on the First Amendment in the past century. Join every other free speech patriot and make your voice heard, while you still can. Demand Congress De-Fund the Ministry of Disinformation. ![]() Then, please consider pitching in $25, $50, or more so Campaign for Liberty can rally our powerful list of liberty activists to stop this power grab by the Biden administration! ![]() We’re fighting on all fronts: • A Central Bank Digital Currency • A radical anti-gun zealot nominated to head the ATF • An out-of-control FDA and CDC attempting to re-impose vaccine and mask mandates • An administration and Federal Reserve destroying our economy • A spend-now, pay-later attitude from Congress, the president, and the Fed And now, an anti-free speech government department – the Ministry of Disinformation! Please consider chipping in $25, $50, $100, or even more so you can help us mobilize more patriots for these critical fights. Thanks for all you do for liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. It only takes a moment to defend the First Amendment and sign the Campaign for Liberty letter to Congress: De-fund the Ministry of Truth. Don’t wait – sign now! P.P.S. Remember, we can only take on so many battles, but the more support, the more we can do. Please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today! ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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