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At the center of the Levy Institute’s mission is a unique research agenda in economic theory and public policy. Whether it’s rethinking the received wisdom about central bank policy and inflation or public deficits and debt, analyzing the role of the financial system using a distinctive framework that descends from Hyman Minsky, developing measures of well-being and poverty that incorporate the neglected but critical domain of household production, or building stock-flow macroeconomic models that have consistently identified underappreciated sources of structural instability in our economies, we stand out with the kind of research that is not found elsewhere.

Alongside the continuation and expansion of this distinctive research agenda lies the challenge of building on the impact of our research. Through outreach, partnerships, and education—including the impact of our ongoing Master’s program, as our students enter the world of government, think tanks, academia, and the private sector—our goal is to communicate novel ideas in a way that moves beyond partisan or intellectually orthodox constructs that stand in the way of clarity and policy progress.

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In addition, there is still time to take advantage of a unique opportunity to double the impact of your contribution: thanks to a challenge grant, current or estate-planned donations to Bard College that are designated for the Levy Economics Institute Endowment will be matched dollar for dollar. Please email me at [email protected] for more information on taking part in this effort.


Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, President

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