Our rights are always on the line.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

You’ve probably already seen the news:

Politico Roe Repeal Leak

SCOTUS has failed us. Now, it comes down to state laws.

Our neighboring states already have some of the most restrictive reproductive legislation in the nation. Our rights are more precarious than ever. We must ensure this regression does not take hold in New Mexico.

If you agree that we must protect reproductive rights here in New Mexico, add your name to our petition and rush a donation now. →


In our democracy, our rights are given and taken away by those we chose to represent us. If we want our reproductive rights to stay intact, we need to be able to safely and securely vote for the people who will fight for those rights. That is what I have done for the past six years. That’s what I promise to do now.

In solidarity,

Maggie Toulouse Oliver

Contributions or gifts to Friends of Maggie are not tax deductible.

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