Big bucks: Drought-hit Zimbabweans cut poverty, poaching with larger goats

The project to breed bigger goats and raise incomes aims to help communities feed their families without wiping out local wildlife, as extreme weather hurts crops

The high price of America's anti-abortion laws

For many women, access to abortion can impact them financially in many ways

U.S. challenges Alabama law on transgender youth

After Alabama's Republican governor introduced a law that criminalizes some gender-affirming treatments for transgender youth, the U.S. Justice Department has filed a complaint

Romania must reject Hungary-style anti-LGBT bill, rights groups say

Human rights groups in Romania warn a bill banning gay propaganda in schools could legitimise discrimination against the LGBT community

U.S. Supreme Court backs Christian group in Boston flag flap

After Boston refused to fly a flag bearing the image of a cross, the Supreme Court has ruled the city violated the free speech rights of a Christian Group


Why millions of Africans are right to resist mobile SIM card registration

Mobile SIM registration linked to digital ID is causing exclusion of marginalised groups, and concerns about privacy in the absence of sufficient legal safeguards, especially in nations with a history of abuse by authorities

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