Sickening news just now from Politico:

Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Alito writes in an initial majority draft circulated inside the court.

The opinion was leaked early. It will turn Roe back to politicians.

The Democratic House voted 218-211 in March to enshrine Roe into law nationally. But it was blocked by the Senate filibuster. "Joe Manchin joined Republicans in blocking the bill" reported Fox.

If we care about enshrining Roe, we must EXPAND the Senate Democratic majority in 2022 and eliminate the filibuster. Make an emergency donation here to key races in Wisconsin, Georgia, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina.

Every top Democratic challenger has vowed to reform the filibuster. You can read the Politico report here. It's disturbing.

There's also one more thing you must know, because it's really timely. Fox reports that in the House, "Every Democrat except Rep. Henry Cuellar" voted for the Women's Health Protection Act. Cuellar also opposed the Democratic economic agenda. He's under FBI investigation. He's horrible.

Cuellar represents a deep blue district and faces a primary against bold progressive Jessica Cisneros this month. If you were ever going to donate to this race, now is the time.

We're sorry for being the bearer of bad news. Thanks for staying in the fight.

-- The Progressive Change Campaign Committee team (@BoldProgressive)




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