Hi Taxpayer, this’ll brighten your Monday.

Hi Taxpayer – it was a close call.
But thanks to 2,094 generous White Coat Waste (WCW) Project supporters, we hit our fundraising goal to Cut FDA Red Tape and end the wasteful dog-testing mandate!
Now, we – alongside Beesly, an FDA Red Tape Survivor – can continue working with Congress to save 20,000 beagle puppies from cruel and wasteful maximum-pain experiments.

Believe it or not, Taxpayer, I worked in a taxpayer-funded lab some twenty-five years ago. I saw what white coats do to animals in labs… and I found out who pays for it.
Then I made a vow that one day I’d find a way to put an end to it.
That’s why I founded WCW Project. Our strategy is the most effective one because we’re the ONLY group actually SHUTTING DOWN government animal labs.
It’s simple: When the money stops, the killing stops!

So Taxpayer, on behalf of Beesly, the WCW team, and all animals in wasteful government labs, thank you for your continued support.
Because taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20+ billion for wasteful government animal experiments,

Anthony Bellotti
President & Founder
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. See below – I’ve pasted our blog with all the details on Beesly's visit to Capitol Hill… it’s a quick read!

Beesly the Beagle Visits Lawmakers in DC!

Last year, White Coat Waste Project released “Broken Bureaucracy,” a report detailing how thousands of puppies each year are abused in wasteful, misleading, and expensive tests just to satisfy archaic FDA red tape.
The report was part of our broader ‘Cut FDA Red Tape’ campaign that’s prompted Congress to introduce and enact legislation targeting the FDA’s outdated animal testing mandate.
This week, the WCW team traveled to Capitol Hill, alongside a powerful new ally in our fight to cut FDA red tape and get dogs out of labs: Beesly the beagle!

Beesly was once locked in a laboratory and force-fed drugs for months on end at 500 times the human dose. When her tests concluded, white coats were planning to kill and dissect her, even though she survived and was healthy!
When some kind-hearted pharmaceutical execs heard about her fate, which would also befall several other dogs in the lab with Beesly… they took matters into their own hands, demanded the dogs be released and adopted the smiley beagles themselves. (We told you that drug makers don’t want to kill dogs!)
Beesly, along with her mom and dad, and team WCW met with Rep. Pete Stauber (R-MN), Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), and Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV), three lawmakers (and past WCW Waste Warrior awardees!) who have been at the forefront of efforts in Congress to end wasteful and cruel testing on dogs and retire the survivors.

Beesly also made friends with staffers in the offices of other lawmakers who’ve supported WCW efforts to stop wasteful taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs and other animals, including Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ), Rep. Juan Vargas (D-CA), and WCW Waste Warrior awardee Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL):

Sadly, until Congress takes action, the FDA is going to continue forcing dogs to suffer in wasteful tests, even though superior alternatives exist. You can help by telling Congress to pass the Alternatives to Animals for Regulatory Fairness (AARF) Act today to cut red tape and end the FDA’s outdated dog testing mandate!