Dear Friend,

Thank you to everyone that was able to join us for this year’s Celebration of Justice! We had a great time seeing you all in person and we’re grateful for your ongoing support. 

If you didn’t get a chance to make a gift, there’s still time to make an investment in a stronger, more inclusive future for everyone in Silicon Valley!

Our work with our community continues. Watch our video to learn more about how each Law Foundation program – Health, Housing, and Children & Youth – works together alongside our community members to help solve our most pressing social issue. 

Thank you to all of our Annual Partners who help make our work with our community possible. We had the pleasure of also honoring this year's Headlining Partner and longtime supporter of the Law Foundation, McManis Faulkner. Learn more about their work with us in this video.
Thank you again for a wonderful Celebration of Justice, we appreciate your ongoing commitment to the Law Foundation and our client communities.

With gratitude,
Alison Brunner, Esq.
Chief Executive Officer