
I want to thank you for the support you've shown to me and this incredible team we've built together. Because of your support, I’m grateful to share that we hit our fundraising target for the month of April.

In order to hold the House and compete against whatever the GOP throws at us this year, we’re going to have to continue to hit every fundraising goal we set. Because while money is their weapon, grassroots efforts are ours.

Every contribution you’re able to pitch in truly does add up to fight back against the GOP’s special interest and lobbyist cash. And I have so much faith that our grassroots movement for working people is stronger than their desire for power.

I’m in this fight for you all the way.

Thank you for making this all possible,








Paid for by Engel for Arizona



Engel for Arizona
PO Box 40721
Tucson, AZ 85717
United States