Hi John,
You know, I found out an important lesson this year. 

I found out that if you want to challenge the Swamp, and you want to disrupt their power, they will fight back- and sometimes be dirty.

Madison Cawthorn is finding that out too right now. But we have to support the disruptors! 

I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am fighting the swamp for clean elections, free of corruption!

As I am fighting here in AZ, Congressman Madison Cawthorn is doing the same in DC- and the Swamp doesn't like it, apparently!
But here's the thing: it won't work. Cawthorn's constituents understand that he's fighting the Swamp there- the fetid corruption, the dirty deals, the selfish politicians. Awful people. 

And he's winning this battle of oppo research!
Madison is fighting because he came to disrupt the Swampers:

“It’s going on across the country, but [in] North Carolina, we have the North Carolina political establishment and one RINO senator who are really targeting me,” he said, using the acronym for “Republican in name only.”

“They’re coming hard,” Cawthorn ranted. “They’re putting hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars to be able to defeat me.”

Cawthorn, 26, is facing a handful of challengers in the May 17 GOP primary, including state Sen. Chuck Edwards, who Sen. Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina) has endorsed.

The Swamp doesn't take well to disagreement. They aim to destroy, and kill reputations. 

After all, they think power is theirs by right. But we think power rests with the people- and they can't have that!

The communists don't want me talking about election fraud. But the people want it- and so I do! That's why I need your help, even more now.

The Swamp wants me gone, and they are taking their shot at me. Help me so I can keep challenging them! They are coming for me just like they come for Madison. I need the people with me now! 

Help me be the voice that keeps speaking out for clean elections!

Thank you so much,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. George Soros and the leftwing billionaires are going to target my district again with millions of dollars in attack ads like they did last time. Will you help me fend off the attacks by contributing before the end of this month?

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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